Finished Product!
Im the type of person who is shy around other people but not her friends. I am the type of person that is not afraid to express herself. Also I am the one who loves to have fun and just be silly. I will alway be myself. Usually I am the person who is a little shy for example I will not volunteer as much as an average person. Also I am the type to get things done but in a neat way. Im the neat and clean person that loves everything nicely done and in order. I am fun and happy when I want to be which is most likely always. I love to play sports, exercise and eat healthy to keep in shape. Last but not least every morning I feed the dogs to show that I care and love them.
The character traits that I tend to show is that i'm very flexible. Also I think that my puppet warp shows that I am very expressive. In my opinion my GIF project shows that I am super creative. I do this to show that I like to have fun with my work and not be bland or boring. Next I do this to show my feelings and how I feel on the inside. I tend to show that my character is kind of clumsy like me in person. Last but not least in my opinion I tend to show that my character is me just being myself and that I am a sporty, creative and fun girl.
The step by step process was a little hard at first but with demos and tutorials it got easier. The first step to GIF was to get the pictures of yourself. Also the second step was to open them in photoshop and cut yourself out with the magic wand tool. Third step was to make some weird moves with the puppet warp tool. Fourth step was to copy the layer and add a background. Last step was to make it a GIF and size it.